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Holy Trinity News

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Holy Trinity News

Posted on Sat, Dec 8, 2012

December at Holy Trinity...

Sunday Mornings 8:15AM

The month of December will be a very special and important month for ALL members of HTCC to come out to Sunday School. As we endeavor to be completely healed, made whole and grow as a ministry, it is imperative that we ALL come together at 8:15am on Sunday mornings for the next 3 Sunday’s. Each HTCC family please plan to join us here every Sunday morning in December at 8:15am sharp and call at least ONE other HTCC family to ensure they will join you.. See you there!


Christmas A.C.T.S. of Love

The A.C.T.S. Ministry thanks you for all of your support and generosity throughout the year! Because of your kindess, we've been able to give to women in transitional housing, feed the hungry, send care packages to our college kids, provide back-to-school supplies, honor our fathers on Father's Day, and enrich the spiritual lives of so many. Help us end the year with extending more of our love and care during the Christmas season.

Our Christmas project is two-fold. We want to continue feeding families over the holidays. So, please make monetary donations or donations of gift cards in any denomination to Kroger, Publix or Walmart for purchasing groceries.

 Secondly, we would also like to help the family that Sis. Ebony brought to our attention that has lost everything due to fire. We would like to give the mother the gift of shopping for her family for Christmas. Please donate giftcards of any denomination for places like Target, Toys R US, Walmart, Department stores, VISA gift cards, etc. 

We will collect monetary donations and gift cards up until December 23rd. Please place in the collection bin upstairs after service or give to a member of the A.C.T.S. Committee. We'll joyfully accept it! Thank you in advance for your love and kindness!


Wednesday Bible Study:

HTCC family please remember to invite others and join us on Wednesday’s for our exciting mid-week Bible Study. Over the next few weeks you don’t want to miss our great studies and discussions on the Study of Cults. Bible study time is from 7:30p to 8:30p. See you there!

New Years Eve Celebration Party!

Adults and Youth please plan to join us for a great time on Monday, Dec. 31, 2012 @ 9:30pm! Ring in 2013 with your HTCC Family!

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