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HTCC Women's (A.C.T.S.) Ministry

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HTCC Women's (A.C.T.S.) Ministry

Posted on Tue, Jul 24, 2012

July ACTS -The Drake House

Drake House Donations

The A.C.T.S Women's Ministry would like to thank everyone who has been able to participate in the food/clothing drive for the Drake House. There is still one more week left to donate items. All of these items will help homeless women and children in the North Fulton area.

For the month of August, the A.C.T.S Women's Ministry will focus on "Project: Back 2 School". We will collect supplies necessary for students to start the school year prepared for success. If you are able, please begin bringing Back to School items on next Sunday such as:

   Discussion: HTCC Women's (A.C.T.S.) Ministry

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